Theme: Guidance, Joy, and Hospitality
Opens with a serene melody in a major key, symbolizing the Spirit's guidance and Lydia's conversion, characterized by warm, welcoming harmonies.
Theme: Frustration, Anguish, and Deliverance
Shifts to a minor key with tense, dissonant harmonies reflecting the conflict, resolving decisively to symbolize the slave girl's deliverance.
Theme: Faith Amidst Suffering
Somber melodies grow into a motif of prayer and praise, using minor and major modes to convey perseverance and faith.
Theme: Liberation, Conversion, and Celebration
Begins with dramatic depiction of the earthquake, leading to joyful, triumphant harmonies celebrating liberation and transformation.
Theme: Forward Movement and Hope
Revisits opening themes with added complexity, symbolizing the ongoing journey and spread of the Gospel in a hopeful chord.