4-Part Chorale Inspired by Luke Chapter 18

Movement I: The Persistent Widow

This movement begins with a plaintive melody that grows in intensity, representing the widow's persistence and culminating in a resolution that symbolizes her receiving justice.

Movement II: The Pharisee and the Tax Collector

A contrast between the Pharisee's pompous motif and the tax collector's simple, humble melody, this movement emphasizes humility, ultimately embracing the tax collector's theme.

Movement III: Jesus and the Little Children

A gentle, lyrical expression of innocence and acceptance, this movement conveys the simplicity and grace of childlike faith through harmonious melodies in a major key.

Movement IV: The Rich Young Ruler

Starting with earnest inquiry, this movement takes on a somber tone to reflect the ruler's sorrow at his inability to follow Jesus fully, highlighting the theme of sacrifice.

Movement V: The Healing of a Blind Beggar

From darkness to light, this movement celebrates the transformative power of faith with a joyful chorus, symbolizing the beggar's healing and restoration.

Epilogue: The Kingdom of God

This reflective epilogue ties together the chorale's themes, looking forward to the Kingdom with hope and anticipation, concluding with an uplifting resolution.